Sometimes users like to get wordy with file paths. This is usually no problem especially if you enable long file path support. But, what if you are using a program that doesn't support long file path names? Easy, just find the long file paths and shorten them. Easier said then done when working with a file server. This script recursively finds paths over a specific length recursively.
Get-LongPaths -Path <string> -Length <integer>
The Get-LongPaths cmdlet finds all paths recursively over a specified length and outputs to a grid view.
Example 1: Find all paths over 256 characters recursively starting with the root directory D:\Shares.
Example 2: Find all paths over 100 characters recursively starting with the root directory D:\Departments
-Path (Mandatory)
Specifies the root path to search recursively.
-Length (Optional)
Specifies the path character limit before the path is reported by the function.